wtorek, 9 lutego 2021

 Hello once again,

I am writing today. It's 5 o'clock in the evening and there is much going on in my life. I still paint and leave my photos on Instagram. It is a good way to show my talent to the world. I deal with the sky-related series and I started a new collection of paintings which tell the story of fire. They are in red. So I have two opposite topics like heaven and hell and I'm trying to ponder on them. 

Below you can see one of my sky-related pictures, 30x30 cm, on canvas, acrylic and oil paints. It has been created  this year.

piątek, 29 stycznia 2021

 Hello once again,

I'm writing to you from my home. It's winter and I don't feel like going out much but my creative spirit hasn't left me. This time I present to you my picture. One of the sky-series. They are small because they say that many painters start with great paintings. Contrary to them mine are small.

The one below is sky-related, 30x30 cm, on canvas, acrylic and oil paints.

Have a nice weekend



sobota, 23 stycznia 2021

Hi my followers,

Today is a foggy, rainy and snowy day. I am still creating. This time "sky pictures". I am a bit afraid how it will be accepted by the audience. I feel a kind of pressure that I should be good enough  because I graduated from an artistic school and the level of difficulty should be higher for me. It doesn't disrupt my creativity  but of course it is hard for me to be as good  as I should be.

Below is one of my sky related pictures. 30x30 cm, acrylic and oil paints on canvas. Painted at the end of 2020.

Happy Saturday

wtorek, 19 stycznia 2021

 Hi there,

 Now I am working on a new series. It is sky-related. I focus mainly on clouds. Everything is based on my photos.I hope you like it. I am into it because the sky is a kind of relief to me.I felt supressed by my professors and this is the answer to that pressure. Relief and calm - this is what I need.

The picture below is 30x30 cm, acrylic and oil paints, created in 2020, on canvas. Please enjoy.

Happy Tuesday.

środa, 30 grudnia 2020

Welcome everyone,

Tomorrow is New Year's Eve. Unfortunately I haven't made any resolutions yet. But in a nutshell I am satisfied with 2020. I proved to myself that I can read because I am a bit dislexic. I wrote a thesis and defended it successfully. I found a job. I sold some paintings and I still run my blog and present my works. It is an achievement, isn' t it. The main achievement is that I am alive and kicking despite covid 19. I wish you all many achievements next year, health, and heaps of money. I hope it will be an abundant year.

Below I show you one of my thesis paintings, 50x70 cm, on a wooden board, in acrilics and oil paints. It is a view of Amsterdam. I hope you like it as much as I do.



sobota, 26 grudnia 2020

 Welcome everyone,

Hi, I am thrilled to tell you how happy I am that I am alive despite of all pandemic stuff. I am still here to enjoy my life. And still I have something to show you. I haven't finished showing my thesis paintings. There is no snow this year. Children don't have much fun. It is a pleasure to create and share what we have deep down in our hearts. I wish you all everithing that brings hope and fortune to our lives. I expect this year to be special and abundant in money and positivity that we all lack this year.

The painting I want to show you is from the Netherlands. It is 50x70 cm, done in acrilics, on a wooden board. I shows a canal in Amsterdam.

Happy Christmas.




środa, 16 grudnia 2020

 Hi there,

I'm writing today to show you another painting from my thesis. My life has changed. I have found a job. It's not well-paid but I have some cash to spend. I wonder if anything changes financially next year. Partly my fate depends on you , my dear reader. If you need a gift for Christmas, there is a lot of possibilities to chose from on my blog. Anyway, it was a successful year. That's amazing that I'm still alive afer this Covid-related panic. It's good to be here.